
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Every evening, lying here in bed,this little Prayer keeps running through my head.

God Bless my Mom and Dad and Bless my Children, too ....
And God, There's just one more thingI wish that you would do,
If you don't mind me asking ....Would you Bless my 'computer', too?
Now I know that it's not normal,to Bless a motherboard,
but listen just a second and I'll explain to you, My Lord ....
You see, this little metal box,Holds more than odds and ends.
Inside those small components,Rest Hundreds of Loving Friends.
Some, its true, I've never seenAnd most I've never met,
We've never shaken hands or,Shared a meal, and yet ....
I know for sure they Love me,By the Kindness that they Give
And this little scrap of metal Is how I travel to where they live.
By Faith is how I know them,Much the same as I know You ....
By Sharing what life brings us,Our Friendship grew and grew.
So, if it's Okay with You ....
Please take an extra minute, from your duties up above ....
To Bless this hunk of MetalThat's filled with so much Love.~
Author Unknown ~


At 7:41 AM, Blogger Helen said...

That is so lovely!
I like it! see ya on Sunday!

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Zanne said...

I didn't realise how important this metal box was until I moved away from people! although it is only a metal box, it does contain a lot of info. and it transmits a lot of love and emotions (transmits, not emits...)

At 1:57 PM, Blogger PatK said...

Nice one, Tracie!

At 12:32 AM, Blogger SarahB said...

Really like this... Mine is more like a metal handbag now :-)


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