
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Another blonde moment !!

coming home from the school with Claire....
Claire says oh mum did dad tell you that the sand in Australia is like silk, his cousin told him.
Yes your dad told me; thats great....
Can we where our shoes, or do we have to take them off....??
What do you mean Claire?
Can we wear our shoes on the sand?
Masses of laughing..... and the question, Are you being serious?
Claire answers......yes.............well we might get it dirty!!!!!!!!!

she says the funniest things.


At 11:32 PM, Blogger Judy said...

Kids are so much fun! Thanks for stopping by... and what luck :-) You stopped by on JUST the right day. Wishing you luck in the drawing for the book (and I will definitely be back to check out more of your blog! :-)

At 5:15 AM, Blogger Merle said...

Hi Tracie ~~ We can't have your Laura
dirtying up our sand !! Sorry she
landed in the For Sale box. Also very sorry that you could not read my post
and there were a few others. I hope it doesn't happen again. Maybe if you hightlight the heading or just "Merle"
and bring up Word, then go to font
Whingdings and select all and change font to Comic Sans or something, that may work. Take care Tracie, Love,Merle

At 3:22 AM, Blogger Mountain Mama said...

What a sweetie.
My kids would never have thought of that, but would have had a 'let me at it' attitude.

At 6:27 AM, Blogger Merle said...

Hello Tracie ~~~ Thanks for your visit. I am so glad that my post was OK last night. The previous one was so
disappointing. Glad you liked the jokes. Take care, Love, Merle.


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