
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Being that all my blogs are of a serious nature lately just thought l'd include this story that made me smile recently......

I was going to the shops with Claire and as she jumped into the front seat l gave her a letter that needed posting and said,hang onto that Claire.
On the jouirney claire asked who "The Osbournes" were?
why do you ask, l say

No reason she says

l now think that as she had a sleepover the night before at a friends house that maybe she has watched the programme !! EEKKKK

Who are they mum?

well you know sharon on x-factor thats sharon osbourne.
and you know the butter ad with the two men with long hair?

yes mum

well thats ozzy osbourne and they have a tv programme that has lots of swearing and dogs pooing on carpets - so l've heard - claire why do you ask have you seen the programme?

no mum

at this point we are pulling into the carpark space and this explaination of the osbourne family has taken up much of the journey there, mostly waiting for her to realize what adverts l was talking about and me being so indepth explaining!!

mum so why are you writing to them?

l'm not!!

you are - on this letter it says 'osbourne house'

l then fell in...... why all the questions about the osbournes !!
l then had to explaine that the letter was going to a place called osbourne house not their actual house !!

she says the funniest things,today she asked Steve the caretaker at church if he worked there !!


L rang my mum yesterday to see how she got on at her pre.op appointment, she had to have a chest x-ray and the radiologist said "big problemo" and wanted someone else to review the results before they let mum go. Apparently theres a big shadow on one of the x-rays on one side so mum had to have three further shots of her front; she has now just got to wait for the op. date but she is convinced because of the x-ray results that the cancer is spreading.Lets hope that isn't the case. Thanks to you all for your prayers and kind words of comfort and encouragement.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

This is mum with Claire.

I Love this picture !! Claire was so concerned for her nan.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I can't imagine trying to push a wheelchair up or down this slope in Spain - not only were they steep they were soooooo slippery !!

Unfortunately mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and will be having surgery in sept/oct. Please continue to remember her on your prayer list not only for her condition but also the fact that she is grieving for her twin sister. It was good to go and be with her for a week and to be able to support her at her hospital appointment when she got the bad news.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Just a quick blog from the internet cafe in spain please pray for my mum l am going to the hospital for her biopsy results tommorrow thursday, they wouldnt give them over the phone so l am travelling into malaga with her - today she recieved her twin sisters ashes so its an emotional time for her. with thanks. tracie