
Sunday, April 29, 2007


Well the shippers are now booked and so from now on l look at things and think do l want you enough to take you to the other side of the world !! (husband & children exempt of course !!) (well most of the time!!)
In all seriousness l have been going through paperwork......lots of paperwork .....bearing in mind we have moved a couple of times now recently and you would have thought that we wouldn't have been moving unecessary items; but yes the filing cabinet just gets picked up and placed in its new destination hence to say l had kept every statement of every kind from when we first set up home together!!! yes thats phone bills, tv licences, bank statements etc. Andy volunteered for feeding the shredding machine..........only he hadn't realized the lengthy process it was going to be. (shredder kept overheating and cutting out!!)
Its a bit like life really ............l wonder how much baggage we actually sruggle to carry round for years and years.
This will be a time of new beginnings as we go off to our new destination; and may we not be in such a hurry to replace the clutter!!

Friday, April 20, 2007


Well Lukes car was to be recovered yesterday......... we got a call to say that unfortunately it couldn't be pulled onto the truck as somebody had set it on fire and all that was left was the shell !! the tyres had melted !! Poor old Luke....... his train journeys will be permanent from now until we go now.
He wont get any insurance for it as he'd have to pay the £150 excess and then pay the remainder of the insurance that he'd been paying in instalements up till now (3rd party fire & theft £1200 and thats driving on my insurance!! the cars only worth £500)
Claire said to me in the car when l told her.........well don't take this the wrong way mum; but at least he won't have to sell it now !!
Thats one way of looking at it!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Luke was out driving at the weekend with a lad that is also emigrating to oz soon, he was heading to burnham very late on a very Windy back road; he was driving too fast round a sharp bend and managed to end up spinning backwards into a ditch and writing his car off. Thankfully no-one was injured and hopefully he will have learnt a hard lesson,the car missed a telegraph pole amazingly and how they walked away can only be by the grace of God. The car is being pulled out the ditch by winch tomorrow so we'll see if anything can be salvaged ! He'd just spent that evening telling friends of ours how much he loved having that little car and the freedom it gave him.
l still just can't get over the fact that they both walked away uninjured and thank God for his protection.
When l went to see the car l had my little niece who's five in the car and she was asking lots of 'little person questions' like "is Luke sad ?" and "was l in the car?"
after quite a few of these questions it went very quiet then all of a sudden she said out of the blue "oh I'm glad Luke's not dead" this spoke volumes to me and put the whole thing in perspective.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

What a difference a few months can make.....
What a surprise l had .............mum turned up from Spain to see us before we go off to oz...........shes between her treatments and l think her doctor would have a fit if he knew what shes been up to in the two week break before her radiation treatment........mums the word!!
Today has been rather emotional, particulally for Claire who is so attached to my mum, she rarely left her side.
Mum mostly wears a wig when out and a bobble hat in bed; l really didn't think l would cope with seeing her like this but she just gets on with it all saying that there are a lot of people worst off than her.
Just 6 weeks worth of 10min daily treatments of radiotherapy to go I'm praying that she will get the all clear and life will return to normal as soon as poss.
Mum told me she prays regulally, she attended church with me and previously asked me to send her a bible the week before she turned up, she has had a J.Witness lady visiting regulally of late and l'm praying that she won't be influenced in the wrong direction.
Its a case of remembering who's in charge !!
It was really good to see her and she house will seem very quiet in the next few days........