Sunday evening, as the weather is warming up now we took the girls to the beach; its only a short drive away . Claire and Laura rolled up their shorts and were having a great laugh splashing around in the sea. Just then l overheard someone telling their children there were dolphins in close. I couldn't believe it as we looked about 30ft out a bottle nosed dolphin jumped up and splashed back down. Laura's face was a picture and Claire thought it was really exciting that they were so close. Well another new experience to add to the list !! We sat for some time and watched the sun set on the horizon and the odd dolphin show itself. The sun setting was a mass of egg orange and just droped beneath the shore line all of a sudden; so quickly, one minute theres a great big ball of orange and then just the red glow in the distance.
The guy next door said that the "ozzies partition God that they should live for a 200 years" because oz is so vast and has so much to see and do.........