Whilst all the family went out shopping for my birthday present l experienced my first storm whilst living here!! There were great flashes of fork lightening and l did think that they looked low enough to be hitting the ground, then there was the rumbling thunder; it was so loud.
A little while later when the wind was really howling furiously l noticed smoke just over the hill from the balcony; then noticed a couple of helicopters and an light aircraft, the skies were grey and it really was quiet eerie as l didnt know what was happening. Gradually the two choppers were joined by eventually five more. It turned out that the lightening had struck the ground catching the grass alight and with the wind gusting it spread like wild fire (boom boom) l now know what that expression really means!!
Within a couple of hours they had got it under control by using the water from the reservoir thats not far from here. The emergency services are fantastic and l never fail to be impressed by their courage and speedy responce.
Unfortunately my camera couldnt focus that far but if you look closely you can see a few choppers.