What a decision !!
Today has been one of those days:-
Since moving house we havent been able to let our pet rabbit out, he used to have the run of the last garden but here on one side is a hedge and l wouldn't risk him escaping, but being wintertime it hasn't mattered too much as we've never let him out much at this time of year previously - he's about 5/6 ?
we got him when he was about one but only to give him a better life as his previous owner couldn't look after him any longer, anyway get to the point !!
A few weeks back we noticed a big clump of poo and had the awful job of trying to remove it buy dunking the poor bunny in water and anyway nuff said about that - we thought that having that problem removed, things would soon get back to normal for Fudge that was until today. I was walking past the hutch when l noticed the most awful smell (the girls have been feeding and cleaning hutch most of the time in recent weeks) the smell turned out to be Fudge. We rang the vet and described his symptoms - won't go there !! - we had to take him and get across town in 15 minutes before the vet left the practice - just made it.
Turns out for one reason or another that he has got sticky bottom that could turn very easily to Flystrike the choice is too either daily wash and thoughrouly dry him without doistressing him too much or put him to sleep. l was told the washing would be a big commitment but thought whatever it takes me and the girls would give it our best shot.
Vet gave him antibiotic injection and told me to come back tomorrow at only available
appoint. 11.40 and tell of decision !!
Well off to Pet smart to buy shampoo fly spray and hutch deoderant stuff - came home and tried to wash rabbits tail end rather unsucessfully the girls can't hold him very well as he has never been handled that much and drying him with a hairdryer as was suggested by the vet is another story completely the whole time l have claire asking if we're going to put him to sleep and all the questions that a nine year old asks about pets dying !!The whole episode took about 1 1/2 hours !!
I have now remembered that my cousin is coming from Herfordshire for some hospital results to be given at broomfield and l'm providing a lift, lunch for four extra, and looking after her new baby and you've guessed it her appointment is at 11.40.
l can't stand the thought of the rabbits destiny being in my hands the whole washing thing is really stressfull for all involved but the thought of the decision of him living or not is dreadful too..........HELP !!!