
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I rang my mum a day after she had started the cemo (Wed) and she was on a high and was making curtains and allsorts.
My brother texted me to say that she wasn't feeling too good and l have since spoken to my mum this evening, she has spent two days between her bed and the loo; she sounded quite low, l found this really upsetting especially not being able to just pop to her and just be able to do the little things. I stressed that she really has got to try and rest more as l'm sure the abundance of energy she had was too build her up for what was about to surface, she doesn't make a good patient at the best of times, she lives alone but does have an older sister nearby and my eldest brother a 40 min drive away so shes not totally alone over there but it's still hard being this far away, she says that her appertite has gone out of the window.
I attended church last sunday and really felt touched. Ann got up and spoke about God being there holding our hands as we do with little ones and said that even though we may fall God's always there and its ok because we're under his covering, also another lady spoke of a vision of running a race and jumping the hurdles and as l sat there l could picture the hurdles of life and really felt that my hurdles were so close together that l didn't even have a chance of a good run up between them (in fact l actually felt like running up and pushing them all over!!) but to hear that God is right there with me; running the race, if you like. i found this really very own cheerleader ..........God himself.
This is amazing as l was sitting here sharing these thoughts l really felt the need to get out my baptismal text and here it is .................Duet:31v8............The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged......................Wow........... what timing!
l did intend on updating on other news but l think l'll leave it there.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Just to update......mum started her cemo today, she said that the type they have put her on is the one that is very rarely prescribed over here as it is very expensive; it just so happened that the hospital that she attends is the only one in the her area that gives that treatment because of its success rate. What a blessing.
Have included a picture so that all those praying for her now can see who they've been praying for.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Well it's been a funny old week really......

l don't know what it is about saturday's!! - this morning Laura went off fishing. Andy went off to get some building materials and so l thought l'd get up and make an early start on painting the new room ceiling; anyway l shot up into the loft to get the paint and roller and came down would you believe the wrong way round as l was carrying the paint!! hence to say my foot slipped off the runner and fortunately l slid vertically down the ladder as if it was a back and bottom didn't miss the ladder steps.......hence l have a really stiff back, but as they say count your blessings it could have been a lot worse - picture it, 'sitting in casualty covered in white emulsion'!!

Laura came home from fishing early today because Kyle had forgotten his flask his grandad dropped it down at the lake for him; Laura turned to say hello to Kyles grandad just as Kyle pulled out of a fish, with that the heavy large lead weight came flying up from the water and hit Lauras nose and mouth and the hook went up her nose,she said her nose really bled because of the bang, and is really sore because she had to get the hook out.....ouch.........but as they say..... count your blessings......could have been another possible casualty trip !!

Last but not least Luke our son finally got his first car on the road; after waiting a week for an insurance cover note to come through, so that he could get his road tax. Anyway he'd only been on the road a while when l got a call to say everything was fine but he'd understirred round a sharp bend and had hit a verge - but a farmer had pulled the car out. The car was still driveable !! Just a little damaged.......and this one is easy to count our blessings because it could have been a lot worse. It probably done Luke a favour; although he's sensible l do think they trully believe their invinsible at his age, it must have shaken him up not to mention his pride being a little bruised!!

On the subject of "mum" she rang yesterday to say that she had been to the hospital on friday to have the scans the doctor had requested, she will go on Monday to have a consultation with the doctor to discuss her treatment - l'm hoping that she will get the same doctor as before as he spoke perfect english and she felt really comfortable with him. I've collected lots of imfo from the web on cemo to send out to her to read up on. Thanks to the many people that have continued to pray for her - l so appreciate it - and will continue to update when l hear any news.

I know all the silly mishaps that l began talking about sound like l'm "moan a minute" woman; but l do think that we just must focus on the good stuff....l sometimes forget that we got our Aussie visas not so long ago, something that we worked hard towards for a number of months. I've been so caught up on all the negative stuff going on that l have been completely forgetting who's in charge of all things; We prayed all those months ago that if God wanted us in Oz then to open all the doors for us, He knows all things and we just have to trust, when we prayed right back in the beginning we didn't know all what would unfold, but God did and the doors still continued to open and for the first time in ages l actually felt a bolt of excitment go through me at the thought of moving to the other side of the world to our new adventure! that feeling hasn't happened in ages, and it was good!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Following in her mothers footsteps......

My daughter Laura went fishing with her boyfriend on Saturday. When l came downstairs to the kitchen after she'd gone l noticed the lid of the flask next to the kettle; but the flask and cup were gone. It had been early when she left. l thought, l hope she hasnt taken the flask without putting the lid on but resided to the fact that she must have used another lid !!
In the evening Laura returned home with the giggles to a point that l thought had she been drinking; eventually she managed to tell me what a day she'd had.......
Firstly as mentioned, she'd made the flask and only screwed the cup on the top so it emptied the majority of the contents into her bag and her boyfriends grandads car!
When they caught the first fish they got the landing net out and managed to snap it!
Laura was then invited to tea back at Kyle's granparents house, she sat at the table and managed to knock over her can of coke, it not only went all over the table cloth it seeped into the pile of napkins and wasted them all! his nan cleared it all up and removed the cover saying don't worry Laura it was an accident. They had their tea and then Laura and Kyle were on their way to his room; Kyle was messing about and turned on the top of stairs and pretended to do a karate kick not realizing that Laura had another can of coke opened in her hand.....hence to say he caught it with his foot and it went up in the air and all down the stairs..........Laura was so embarrassed .......l bet his nan was so they dropped Laura home she ran in to get Kyle's MP3 player, she ran out to the car; Kyle had his hand waiting out the top of the car window, Laura hadn't noticed it and quickly pulled the car door open nearly ripping his hand off !!
Wonder if she'll get asked back !!
Apparently Kyle said his nan knocked over her drink on her return home!!
l'm glad l'm not the only one that has days like that.
Lauras birthday is Wednesday l wonder what she'll get?
A plastic beaker with a lid perhaps!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


My mum rang yesterday and told me that she had gone to the hospital to have her radiotheraphy. A nice english speaking doctor throughly examined her and she was told that she wouldn't be having radiotheraphy after all because of the size of the cancerous tumour they removed; this means that she will have to have 5 months of cemotheraphy. My mum is obviously upset about the situation, he also informed her that it could return, she doesn't know when the treatment will start they are going to write to inform her, we joked about wigs and stuff but we were both covering up what was really going on in our heads. My brother said that he will arrange transport for mum when shes having all this done, but mum naively thought she'd be able to go on the bus!
l can't quite make out why she wasn't told this news when she went for the results with the surgeon and was given the all clear.
It was only last week that l had began to run around confessing what a great answer to prayer we'd all had, and how good life seemed to be at the mo.
l have been feeling really unwell myself since friday and am on antibiotics now; it may be those that are making me feel so ill now. On thursday l have a hospital appointment to attend so would appreciate your prayers. Wont go into the details as God knows the situation, but really hate these appointments.... my own little miracle would be great.......if anyone has a direct line..........only joking but would really appreciate your prayers.
with thanks